Media Release

Joining hands through the spirit of volunteerism to share a meal with the Homeless

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January 6th, 2018, Kent House, Maraval – On Sunday 14th January, 2018 the Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government in collaboration with the San Fernando City Corporation (SFCC), the San Fernando Centre for Displaced Persons (SFCDP), San Fernando Volunteer Network (SFVN), Members of the Business Community, Corporate volunteers and NGO groups across Trinidad will be embarking on a community outreach event entitled, “Sharing a meal with the Homeless”.

As we commence the New Year with renewed hope and continued service to the people, Minister Haji Kazim Hosein encourages citizens to continue to showcase the spirit of volunteerism in their everyday activities saying, “Service to Mankind is Service to God; it is always heart-warming to see persons, especially the youth giving back to the elderly, homeless and persons who are less fortunate in our society. I encourage religious organisations, corporate volunteers and the younger generation to continue giving selflessly through the spirit of volunteerism as we work together to make a better country for all our citizens”. This initiative is one of the many collaborations that the Ministry is embarking on as we aim to empower the young people to adopt a compassionate approach to the less fortunate in society.

Thus far, we have received overwhelming support from the ASH-NAD foundation, Revival of the Ummah, Dumore Enterprises, JohnCorp, the San Fernando Volunteer Network (SFVN), San Fernando City Corporation (SFCC), Kiss Baking Company, SM Jaleel, Unilever, Puff n’ Stuff, Nichossa, Naisa Foods as well as numerous citizens across the country.

Basic medical check-ups, barbering services, care packages, a hot bath in addition to sharing brunch with the homeless persons in San Fernando and environs are just some of the activities that we have planned for the ‘Day of Care’ on Sunday 14th January at the San Fernando Centre for Displaced Persons (SFCDP) on Lady Hailes Avenue, San Fernando from 9:00am – 12:00pm..

As we aim to make this initiative a continuous one; we are calling on all NGOs, CBOs, corporate volunteers, religious organisations and volunteer groups to show their support in this venture by volunteering to share a meal with the homeless in your region during this New Year.

For more information on how you can assist in this event, feel free to contact the National Volunteer Network Coordinator, Mr. Matthew Kailah at 314-6481 or Ms. Leah Balkaran at 622-1669 (Ext. 3112).

Media Release

Minister Kazim Hosein assesses the flooding situation in the Mayaro/Rio Claro Region

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January 1st, 2018 Kent House, Maraval – Minister of Rural Development and Local Government Haji Kazim Hosein along with the MP for Mayaro, Mr. Rushton Paray, Permanent Secretary Ms. Desdra Bascombe, Senior Disaster Management Coordinator, Mr. Rishi Siew and members of the technical team from the Ministry are coordinating efforts with Chairman Glen Ram and Councillors of the Mayaro/Rio Claro Regional Corporation to bring relief to the residents who have been affected by the heavy rainfall.

Minister Haji Kazim Hosein encouraged citizens to be their brother’s keeper and commence the New Year with good actions saying, “As we start 2018, let us bring renewed hope to those who are less fortunate, to the elderly and to the homeless in our society. I encourage you to extend a helping hand to your neighbours or an elderly person in your community who may reside alone during this period of continuous rainfall; Service to Mankind is service to God and there is always a rewarding feeling when you help others in times of need so I urge you to do good and give back.”

Subsequent to the Ortoire River bursting its bank, the Mayaro/Rio Claro Regional Corporation’s Disaster Management Unit are out on the field conducting assessments in order to efficiently address the current flooding situation. Reports also indicate that the water levels has begun receding as rains have ceased at this time in the Mayaro region. MP for the area, Mr. Rushton Paray says, “Preparation is key to managing the issue of flooding; we must educate the population and change the culture of the way we treat issues such as these”.

Minister Hosein continued to encourage citizens to make use of the 24-hour Hotlines Numbers saying, “All 14 Municipal Corporations have a 24-hr Disaster Management Hotline number and as first responders they remain committed to assisting their burgesses during disasters such as flooding. In case of an emergency such as fallen trees, landslides, or flooding feel free to utilize these hotlines; they have been set up for you the public to have first-hand communication with the people on the ground.”

Citizens are kindly advised to be vigilant and proceed with caution when traversing areas with reports of flooding.



Media Release

Minister Kazim Hosein encourages citizens to report illegal dumping


January 1st, 2018 Kent House, Maraval – After traversing through severely impacted areas such as Caroni, Woodland, Barrackpore, St. Helena, Piarco, Caparo, Sangre Grande and Rio Claro, one of the contributors leading to flooding was identified as illegal dumping of garbage into the major drains and waterways.

Minister of Rural Development and Local Government and Acting Minister of Works and Transport Haji Kazim Hosein is urging citizens to take heed and report any cases of illegal dumping to their respective Municipal Corporations saying, “Illegal dumping is a serious issue and we as a people must work together to stop persons from throwing garbage through their car windows, on the roads and especially in waterways. Improper disposal of debris is one of the leading causes of flooding as the garbage causes drains to become clogged and prevents the run-off of water. In order for this problem to be resolved, we must obey the laws of our country and properly dispose our garbage.”

Let us be mindful of our surroundings and make every effort to keep our communities and by extension our beloved country clean by reporting illegal dumping and spreading the message of the adverse effects of littering.

